Los Amigos
Los Amigos are the official ambassadors of the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Los Amigos has grown into a viable, self-sustaining branch of the Chamber with more than 25 members. In 2011, Los Amigos established the Junior Amigo Ambassador Program. Los Amigos and the Junior Amigos proudly serve as Goodwill Ambassadors for Chamber and community events throughout the year.

About Los Amigos:
Los Amigos is made up of professionals who have volunteered to serve as Ambassadors for the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Currently, Los Amigos supports most Chamber events; promotes the programs, products, and services of the Chamber; and helps attract new members, retain current members and promote Las Cruces businesses to ensure continued growth for our economy. Los Amigos is self-governed with the guidance of a Board representative. All projects and events are approved at the monthly Executive Committee meeting which is currently held on the third Thursday of the month. General meetings are held quarterly for the entire group.
In July 2015, the Los Amigos Ambassadors became members of the National Association of Chamber Ambassadors as a 100% chapter. This provides the opportunity for networking and sharing of ideas and best practices among chamber ambassadors across the nation.
It brings exposure to our ambassadors, our chamber, and our community as a whole.

Why become an Amigo?
As Amigos, we help support our Chamber and its members while we simultaneously grow our business relationships. Most importantly, Los Amigos HAVE FUN celebrating the accomplishments of our fellow members, our Chamber, and our business community!
Who can join?
Any LCHCC member in good standing for a minimum of 6 months and who is willing to participate and support Chamber events. Contact Los Amigos for additional information or to request an application: LosAmigos@LasCrucesHispanicChamber.com