About Us
The Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce was initiated in 1991 as the Hispano Chamber of Doña Ana County, and in 1992 incorporated as the Hispano Chamber of Commerce de Las Cruces. In 2013, the name was changed to what we know today as the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Contact Us
There are a number of reasons why you should consider becoming a member of the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce! As a member of the Hispanic Chamber, you help support economic development and quality-of-life improvements in Las Cruces and Doña Ana County while we simultaneously help you grow your business.
Physical Address:
277 E. Amador Ave, Suite 305
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Phone: 575-524-8900
Fax: 575-532-9255
Welcome to the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. We are here to help your business succeed! Count on us to provide you with business support, networking opportunities, advocacy, and professional services that are customized to fit your unique needs. Your Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber is taking care of business! For more information about upcoming events, call the Hispanic Chamber office at 524-8900 or email: office@lascruceshispanicchamber.com