Chamber Committees
Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce members can choose to volunteer on one or more of the Chamber’s committees. While members actively support the Chamber by getting involved, they are simultaneously taking the steps necessary to build relationships and grow their business. To learn more about committee opportunities, contact the Chamber office at 524-8900 or use the Contact Us form here.
Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Committees:
Los Amigos Ambassadors
Los Amigos Ambassadors are the official “hosts” of the Chamber. They serve in a public relations capacity and as the liaison between the Chamber and the membership. Members attend ribbon cuttings and Mix & Mingle networking events on a regular basis. Los Amigos support all Chamber events/initiatives including the Annual Banquet, Annual Golf Tournament, education initiatives, etc. The Junior Amigos, our high school-aged ambassadors, is an initiative of Los Amigos.
Education Committee
In collaboration with the area’s public & private school systems, this committee provides support for initiatives that promote a quality education for our youth, links local business with educational programs, and enhances learning experiences for students inside and outside the classroom. This committee sponsors the Middle School Recognition Program, Bi-Lingual Teacher of the Year Award, and the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Education Scholarships.
Marketing Committee
Members of this committee assist with Chamber promotion to the membership and the community through all forms of media including print, E-marketing, radio, and television. Members participate in the development of Chamber newsletters, membership materials, event promotion materials, and other marketing items necessary in order to move our mission forward.
Events Committee
These committee members play an instrumental role in the planning and implementation of all major Chamber events such as our Annual Banquet, Golf Tournament, Chamber Expo, etc. Members engage in such activities as planning logistics, soliciting sponsors & donors, recruiting volunteers, and more. Unlike the other committees which normally meet once per month, this committee may meet more often depending on need.
Health Committee
Members of this committee promote healthcare awareness throughout the community by providing information and resources. The Health Committee focuses on providing chamber members with information on current health topics and events within our community. The goal is to support the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce mission of promoting business, education, and culture through a health care related platform and to assist with the growth and wellness of the community.
Membership Committee
This committee seeks to broaden the membership of the Chamber of Commerce and provide businesses who are not members the opportunity to explore the benefits of membership. Each year the strategic membership plan for the Chamber is updated, member services are reviewed, and best practices are sought from among other chambers across the nation in an effort to continually improve upon member benefits and services.
Economic Development Committee
Members of this committee support and advocate for local and regional economic development initiatives, seek new sources/partnerships for foreign investment and strengthen partnerships by communicating with local economic development partners. This committee sponsors the Foreign Trade Mission which showcases Las Cruces as a great place to create new business ventures.
Governmental Affairs Committee
Members of this committee take proactive stances on state, county, and city legislation that impact regional businesses and the economy. Members evaluate ballot issues that affect local businesses and the community and make recommendations to the Chamber Board for endorsement. This committee drafts the Chamber’s legislative priorities reviews pending legislation and regulatory initiatives and seeks solutions for some of the most pressing issues facing businesses in the region.